As set out in the Pony Express Rules and Regulations Pony Express is a “multiple common stream” carrier. Effective until further notice, the common streams will be characterized as follows:
- The Bakken Light Sweet common stream or “BLS” will originate at Guernsey and will contain not greater than .2% sulfur and will have an API gravity of not less than 40 degrees or more than 46 degrees.
- The Mixed Sweet common stream or "MXS" will originate at Guernsey and will contain not greater than .5% sulfur and will have an API gravity of not less than 30 degrees or more than 38 degrees.
- The Niobrara common stream or “NIO” will originate at Guernsey and at receipt points on the NECL and will contain not greater than .42% sulfur and will have an API gravity of not less than 34 degrees or more than 42 degrees.
- The Pony Express Light common stream or “PXL” will originate at Platteville and Buckingham and will contain not greater than .2% sulfur and will have an API gravity of not less than 43 degrees or more than 53 degrees.
- The Kansas Uplift common stream or “KSU” will originate at Natoma and will contain not greater than .8% sulfur and will have an API gravity of not less than 28 degrees or more than 35 degrees.